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A succinct presentation of biblical truths

Welcome on the biblical site of Michael Duldner!

For God so loved the world,
that he gave his only begotten Son,
that whosoever believeth in him
should not perish,
but have
everlasting life.

(John 3.16)

As a reader for many years of the Bible or Holy Scripture, honestly interested in the understanding of its contents, having the deep conviction that this undoubtedly represents the Word of God and His message to us human beings, I wish to share some of the essential biblical truths learned from the pages of this incredible and wonderful book to all the ones who are seeking for unique truths about: themselves, life, death, survival chances beyond the present earthly existence, our Creator and of the universe - whom we all call God - and about our relationship to Him.

I am not the messenger of a church or religious group, but of God's Holy Scripture alone.
With every single chapter I intend to present essential themes of the extensive biblical area in a succinct way.
It's not a given commentary on the basis of a personal opinion, but an objective presentation of important biblical verses.

Whether we believe them or not, whether we agree with them or not, these are addressed to us all and it might be that their right comprehension would be quite decisive with regard to our eternal destiny.
Wished that the salutary teachings of the Bible won't let none of us indifferent and that each one will be soon eager to read it, understand it and live according to its statements.
This ought to be our uppermost priority.

Those who are looking for the deepening of the biblical message will find on this site


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